
Science is part of everyday life for children at The Rydal Academy; whether it’s spying a spider weaving an intricate web on the fence, catching blossom on the playground, dipping for tadpoles and newts in our pond or watching the birds feed in our nature garden. We want to nurture and develop that fascination of science for all our children.

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eye of a child, there are seven million.”
Walt Streghtiff

Make a volcano. Construct a traffic light circuit. Tour the International Space Station at the Life Centre. Watch butterflies grow from chrysalises. Examine the teeth of animal skulls with an anthropologist. Grow vegetables from seeds. Keep our teacher’s coffee hot for longer. Make a lava lamp. Pet a lamb. Watch mammals’ behaviour in the night on a Mammal Cam. See your organs with virtual imaging. Learn to use a microscope.

These are just some of the exciting science learning experiences you will try at The Rydal Academy.

And always remember….

A scientist is not always the person giving the right answers but the one asking the right questions!

Year 1 and Year 2

Please use the interactive Learning Journey to find out about Science. A downloadable version is located in the documents section.


Year 3 and Year 4

Please use the interactive Learning Journey to find out about Science. A downloadable version is located in the documents section.


Year 5 and Year 6

Please use the interactive Learning Journey to find out about Science. A downloadable version is located in the documents section.


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