Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected subject that is essential to our everyday life. It is critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for understanding our own finances and most forms of employment. At The Rydal Academy our mathematics curriculum provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Our Mathematics curriculum is delivered through nine one-hour lessons over a two-week period. We follow the White Rose Maths scheme, which is “rooted in research on teaching the mastery approach and places understanding at the core of learning.” Our goal is to “foster a love for mathematics and provide students with the tools they need to succeed.” By using small, incremental steps, we help students progressively deepen their knowledge, skills, and understanding.
This approach allows students more opportunities to develop a deeper understanding by revisiting each topic in different contexts. We build on their prior knowledge every time they re-encounter an objective, embedding fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills throughout the year.
Mathletics, a specialised Maths program, is used both at home and in school to further extend students’ understanding and passion for the subject. Each student has a unique login and can access teacher-assigned tasks at We also use Times Table Rock Stars, both at home and at school, to improve students’ recall of multiplication and division facts. Students can log in with their individual passwords at
Please see below for our mathematics learning journeys showing an overview of the curriculum in Year 1 – Year 6. The mathematics curriculum information for Early Years can be found on our dedicated Early Years Foundation Stage page here.
Please click here to see details of the mathematical vocabulary that children are taught in each year group across the school.
Year 1
Please use the Learning Journey to find out about Mathematics in Year 1.
Year 2
Please use the Learning Journey to find out about Mathematics in Year 2.
Year 3
Please use the Learning Journey to find out about Mathematics in Year 3
Year 4
Please use the Learning Journey to find out about Mathematics in Year 4.
Year 5
Please use the Learning Journey to find out about Mathematics in Year 5.
Year 6
Please use the Learning Journey to find out about Mathematics in Year 6.